Cáritas Diocesana de Beja was one of the national entities that saw the approval of the application it designed and submitted to this Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation program. (FCG) with the CUID@r project +.
As part of the new programming cycle of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (FCG) to 2023/2027, in which Equity and Sustainability will be transversal themes across all activities, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation promoted an innovative initiative called GULBENKIAN HOME CARE, which develops around the preservation of the intrinsic and functional capabilities of elderly people, and with aging experienced at home and in the community, through the implementation of integrated healthcare interventions, social and long-term care.
This FCG initiative is based on the United Nations recommendations for the decade of Healthy Aging (2021/2030), and is aligned with the National Health Plan 2030.
Cáritas Diocesana de Beja was one of the national entities that saw the approval of the application it designed and submitted to this Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation program. (FCG) with the CUID@r project +.
THE CUID@R PROJECT + The CUID@R project + that Cáritas conceived aims to develop a model of integrated health care and social support within the scope of the Home Support Service (SAD) of Cáritas Diocesana de Beja, as well as strengthening our organization's intervention capacity in working in the area of aging, having as its main objective the promotion of health and well-being indices of the elderly people we monitor, delaying its institutionalization.
With the project, we intend to promote a digital transition in our SAD, with the digitalization of the service, as well as including some technologies that can contribute to better autonomy for elderly people. We will integrate a Professional Supervision model into our SAD team, allowing us to discuss specific cases and improve the services provided, as well as promoting healthy aging in the elderly people we support through physical activity at home and occupational therapy.
The CUID@R project + aims to identify some housing improvements for elderly people with few financial resources that we monitor, so that the necessary resources can be mobilized to prevent falls and consequently hospital admissions.