In an urgent debate, Draft Resolution Nº771 / XIV / 2ª was presented and approved- “Save Casa do Alentejo”, of the Ecologist Party “The Greens”.
The Greens” recommend that the Government take the necessary steps to ensure a viable financing solution for Casa do Alentejo, in Lisbon, so that it can maintain jobs and its activity in operation beyond the year 2020.
The document was signed by Mariana Silve and José Luís Ferreira, PEV deputies maintain that “we can say without any doubt that the Casa do Alentejo Association, has fully assumed, with its dynamic activity, the role of “Ambassador of Alentejo”, but it has gone much further, having gained a prominent place in the historical-cultural spaces and a major tourist attraction in the Capital”.
Mariana Silva closed the debate on the PEV Resolution Project by referring to the consensus around this issue, and reinforces that without exceptional and immediate measures on the part of the Government, it will not be possible to save many historical communities.
Lisbon Chamber supports Casa do Alentejo
Last day 18 of December, Lidador Notícias revealed that the Lisbon City Council has 187 thousand euros to allocate to Casa do Alentejo, an almost century-old community that is in danger of closing in the next month due to the losses resulting from the covid-19 pandemic.
According to the online edition of the Journal News (JN), on Monday last, day 21, a proposal from the councilor for Social Rights should go to vote, Manuel Grilo, to guarantee support to this and other organizations with important work in the city.
Financial aid comes from the Social Emergency Fund, which aims to guarantee extraordinary support to non-profit organizations with significant revenue losses due to the pandemic situation.
At the end of last month, the vice president of Casa do Alentejo, Manuel Verdugo, acknowledged to JN Urbano that “without help there are no miracles”. “We can’t handle it in January. We were an ex-libris of the city, but the pandemic paralyzed us. This is no longer just pain, We live in a state of agony”, he complained.
Teixeira Correia