Castelo de Vide: 2Th Congress AMAlentejo, 30 June and 1 July 2018.

“ACTING ON THIS PLANNING THE FUTURE”, It is the motto of the 2nd Congress AMAlentejo, which will take place in Castelo de Vide, 30 June and 1 July 2018.

How is the public domain of the proposals contained in the Trojan Declaration, adopted without votes against, the participants in the Congress AMAlentejo, which took place in Troy, a 2 April 2016, It was "The need to consider resuming the Congress on the Alentejo.

Your constructive spirit, Open, democratic, and plural representative, sower of new directions, unit factor, identity and territorial cohesion, bearing in mind the principles approved in Congress Alentejo XXI (XIII Congress on the Alentejo) ... "which took place in February 2004, in Montemor-o-Novo. "And attended by about a thousand delegates from all over the Alentejo.

The last Congress of the Alentejo, over 600 participants, It took place in Beja in June 2008. They passed 10 years without any institution put on the agenda its realization.

The "Field of Higher Resolution", approved unanimously in the 1st Forum AMAlentejo, held at the Coffee Science Center gave its approval to the proposal presented by the Promoter Commission AMAlentejo the sense of being considered for the establishment of the Secretariat of the 2nd Congress AMAlentejo (XVth Congress on the Alentejo): the host city, as 4 CIM.s Alentejo, Turismo do Alentejo, CRA/CCDRA, University of Évora, Polytechnics of Beja and Portalegre, business representatives, union representatives, Casa do Alentejo and personalities in order to guarantee plurality and balance between the different sensibilities representing the Alentejo in Local Government and the National Assembly and mandated the Commission to AMAlentejo proactive to make the approaches to the identified entities for the installation of the Secretariat.

Considering the principle of Congress circulation throughout the Alentejo the "Field of Higher Resolution", bearing in mind that should be the Portalegre district to receive Congress, It approved the proposal of Castelo de Vide Municipality as a possible host municipality, as possible, dates of 14 and 15 April 2018 and the motto for the Congress: "ACTING IN THIS PLANNING THE FUTURE".

7The decision to hold the 2nd Congress AMAlentejo, It was taken in 19 May 2017, the Casa do Alentejo, at a meeting between elements of proactive AMAlentejo Commission and Mr. President of the Municipality of Castelo de Vide, Pita, was formalized and accepted the proposal of the 1st Forum AMAlentejo towards Castelo de Vide Municipality is the municipality Host 2nd Congress AMAlentejo.

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