Castro Verde: 1Edition of the Participatory Budget of the Municipality.
The proposal "Music for All", no value of € 38 770,00, by LuÃs Carlos Pereira Afonso, It was the winning entry of the 1st edition of the Participatory Budget Castro Verde, a total of 79 votes (21,82%).
At the end of the day 15 October, last day for the vote, OP Platform Castro Verde recorded a total of 450 registered participants and 362 votes, distributed 18 proposals in areas such as environment, education, town planning, urban hygiene, Kang.
This first edition is marked by the strong support of the population of the entire county, both in terms of proposals (34 presented), and at the level of voting (256 online votes / 106 votes in the Assemblies), allowing the Municipality of Castro Verde “draw a very positive balance” this is his first Participatory Budget.
The figures show active citizens and engaged in the life of your county and make this a winning project that promoted the direct participation of citizens in the formulation of proposals that meet the collective well-being and more active citizenship.
The Castro Verde Participatory Budget has provided a total of € 40,000 for actions to include in the Municipal Budget 2020 and started in June this year with the presentation of the population to the design and realization of Shareholder Meetings in all parish offices, in order to submit tenders (July and August) follow up, in September and October, validation of proposals by the Commission Analysis Technique, electoral campaign and voting period for the.