Castro Verde: Armed robbers steal thousands of euros from bank.

Two armed men robbed the Santander branch in Castro Verde, no Beja district, Wednesday. They will have taken 80 a 100 thousand euros.

The alert for the robbery reached the authorities around 12 hours. The armed individuals fled the bank, located on Rua de Alexandre Herculano, and are now being sought by the GNR, which is already patrolling the main access roads to the municipality.

Even before, a group of three men and a woman, believed to be the perpetrators of the bank robbery, attempted to rob the cash register of a nearby store. The owner of the establishment, Luis Sou, realized the intention and managed to scare away the suspects.

Students at a nearby school were prevented from leaving, for long minutes, upon recommendation of the authorities, who were looking for robbers nearby.

The Judiciary Police were called.

Teixeira Correia


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