Castro Verde: Theft of the author and deadly aggression Beringelinho punished 11 years in prison.

Eleven years in prison, for robbing and assaulting octogenarian who died in the hospital., was the prison sentence that the panel of judges of the Court of Beja, He condemned the one who was considered the author of the crime of aggravated robbery.

C.VERDE- Agressor_800x800Armindo Vasconcelos, 33 year old, resident in Castro Verde, was yesterday sentenced by the collective of judges of the Court of Beja County, to eleven years in prison, accused of aggravated theft crime, which resulted in the death of an octogenarian, in the face of aggression that was targeted on theft.

The man was also ordered to pay 5.756 euros, plus interest, the hospital expenses of Manuel Oliveira, of 86 year old, who spent several days in the hospital Lisbon, which eventually dies, the serious consequences of the aggression.

The case happened in June last year, in the village of Beringelinho, Castro Verde municipality, when the accused entered the backyard of a house, with the aim of robbing, eventually be surprised by the victim, unleashing her punches and kicks, before getting hold of money and gold pieces.

After the crime, Armindo left the victim on the ground fled to Castro Verde and from there to parts unknown in the country's center, where it would be held five months later by inspectors of South Board PJ.

Vitor Maneta judge, explained that that the accused during questioning and trial "showed no regret. Was concerned only with his prison situation "concluded.

The magistrate recalled that, em minutes before entering house Manuel, Armindo entered the house of an elderly, stole 20 euros and a tractor, vehicle used to get to Castro Verde, abandoning the same, a street that Alentejo town.

The accused will wait in custody in Beja Establishment of Regional Prison res judicata pen. The lawyer admitted to appeal the ruling to the Court of Évora Relationship.

Teixeira Correia


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