Castro Verde: Chamber launches awareness campaign and reduces water consumption.

In a statement, the municipality justified the launch of the campaign, entitled “Let's save water. All gestures count!”, with “the serious scenario of severe drought that the Baixo Alentejo region is going through”.

“The campaign, which aims to raise awareness among the population about the importance of rational use of water, proposes measures for the efficient use of this resource in small everyday gestures”, highlighted the municipality.

A pamphlet with suggestions and tips that everyone can adopt to reduce water consumption will be distributed by the municipality and the message will also be disseminated through an advertisement on Rádio Castrense, who has studios in this Alentejo village.

Never water the garden during the hottest hours, don't leave the taps dripping, avoid immersion baths, Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving or reduce the amount of water each time you flush the toilet are some of the tips.

On the other hand, the Castro Verde Chamber indicated that it has already implemented measures to reduce water consumption, such as reducing the number of irrigations in most green spaces and a more vigilant attitude in controlling excessive expenses.

“Castro Verde faces increased difficulties, since the village is supplied from the Monte da Rocha dam, whose storage capacity currently registers a volume of just 10%”, he added.

The Minister of Agriculture and Food, Maria do Céu Antunes, announced, on Monday, having signed the order recognizing the situation of severe and extreme drought in 40% the national territory, in the South.

On Wednesday, the Portuguese Institute of Ocean and Atmosphere (IPMA) announced that the meteorological drought situation worsened in mainland Portugal in April, being 89% of this territory in drought, 34% of which in severe and extreme drought.

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