Castro Verde: Chamber in Parishes throughout the municipality.

The Municipality of Castro Verde promotes, a partir do dia 18 of September (Monday), a set of Meetings with the Population in the parishes of the municipality.

These meetings with the population throughout the municipality aim to analyze the overall situation of the municipality and, at the same time, collection of contributions for the preparation of the Budget and Options of the Planning 2024.

This cycle of meetings aims to strengthen the relationship between the City Council and citizens, clarify ongoing municipal actions, listen to the population about municipal activity and encourage more active public participation in the life of the municipality.

The first two sessions take place 18 of September (Monday), in Entries (Recreational center – 18h00), and in Casével (Cultural center – 21h30).

The initiative continues to 20 of September (Wednesday) in Castro Verde (Municipal Forum, – 18h00) and will be completed on the day 21 of September, in Santa Bárbara de Padrãos (Cultural center – 18h00) and in São Marcos da Ataboeira (Cultural center – 21h30).

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