Castro Verde: “Castro Florido 2024” Contest. Registration up until 30 April.

Between 13 May and 15 June 2024, Castro Verde City Council once again focuses on promoting the “Castro Florido 2024” Competition.

In this edition, only the category of “Most Florida Street”, in order to value and encourage joint participation and projects “neighborhood”.

This change to the Contest presupposes participation submitted jointly by a minimum of 3 participants, whether these are residential in nature, commercial, services or other, as long as they are located on the same street, avenida, traverse, square or square.

Registration to participate in this Competition is open until 30 April 2024, in…, at the Campaniça Arts and Viola Center or at the Entrance Parish Council offices, Santa Barbara Standards, São Marcos da Ataboeira and Casével.

Competitors have the chance to win prizes worth €750 (1º Place), 400€ (2º Place) e 250€ (3º Place).

All residents or people who have residence within the urban perimeter of Castro Verde and in rural parishes can participate in this initiative., on an individual basis, and all public or private entities that own or occupy properties in said areas.

Created 2021 by the Municipality of Castro Verde, the contest “Castro Florido” aims to raise awareness among residents about the beautification of public spaces, through the adornment of doors, windows, balconies and balconies with flowers, beautifying, taken together, buildings and streets, making the localities in the municipality of Castro Verde more beautiful and attractive.

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