Castro Verde: The winning proposals of the OE are known 2022.

The winning proposals from the Castro Verde Participatory Budget to be included in the Municipal Budget for 2022.

“Jardim Sensorial â€, da APADIJ de Castro Verde, no value 24 999, 75 €, was the most voted proposal, a total of 143 votes.

A proposta “Melhoramento do Parque de Merendas do Jardim da Seteâ€, no value 25 000, 00 €, apresentada pela proponente Sofia Candeias, a total of 55 votes, foi a proposta vencedora nas freguesias rurais do concelho.

A fase de votação terminou a16 de novembro, e levou a votos 12 proposals, adding up to a total of 324 votes.

The Castro Verde Participatory Budget began in May this year and aimed to bring residents closer to municipal public policies through the collection and integration of proposals of collective utility into the Municipal Budget.

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