Castro Verde: FAIR CASTRO 2018 – Greater South Traditional Fair.
The Largest Fair South Traditional, a “FAIR 2018 CASTRO”, done-it is to 19, 20 and 21 October in Castro Verde, the third end-of-week of the month, tradition back to be fulfilled.
It is Castro Fair time, the largest and most emblematic traditional fair of the south. Meeting place, of tradition and memories, secular Feira de Castro is a high point in the life of castrensian and a reference value in the region.
This weekend, the Municipality of Castro Verde promotes a cultural program that will start after the Friday afternoon with the opening of the Fair of Local Products (18h00), in Fialho de Almeida Street, and the Arruada Band Philharmonic January 1 through the main streets of the town.
At night, Republic Square is host to various concerts and popular music. On Friday (19 October) there is music with “Rastolhice group” (21h30) and concert with the band “70 Volts” (23h00).
On Saturday, 20 October, especially the 1st castrensian Meeting in the Diaspora to be held at 12:30, Secondary School in Castro Verde, and aims to bring together a lunch-living, the castrensian living outside the county. A moment of celebration and reunion that will feature the musical participation of Coral Juvenil de Castro Verde Group (registration 5 €, in Castro Verde Tourist Office, to 14 October).
During the weekend, days 20 and 21 October, Association promotes the 100Trilhos “3.Th Meeting Paramotor”, from 08:00, at Herdade da Cavandela.
The “1.Th Meeting Whiskers”, another of the novelties of this fair Castro, promises to bring the Castro Verde mustaches of different shapes and sizes, conviviality and good humor. An initiative of the Barber Bars, with the support of the Municipality of Castro Verde, which takes place on Saturday afternoon (20 October), at 17:00.
Or concert “Remember Zaranza”, scheduled for Saturday night (21h30), It is one of the highlights of this fair Castro. One night I remember the band formed by young people in the late castrensian 70 and some of the themes that marked this season. Saturday also features the Republic Square “The Lobitos”, a concert where you will hear international successes, quizomba, warm and dance music. The night ends with the sound of the electronic sounds of DJ's Massive Child and Bruno Zarra.
parallel and, over three days, there are other initiatives under way as the customary Reef Parade, Sing to Despique and jolt, Street Entertainment, Folklore, Dog breeding and Poultry Show.