Castro Verde: GNR promoted anti-crime operation.
Two individuals were arrested yesterday, in Castro Verde, by vehicle driving without legal requirements and prohibited weapon possession, during an operation led by the GNR, in collaboration with the ASAE.
The operation to combat crime that Beja district of the county, took place during yesterday morning and was carried out by the Territorial Detachment of the GNR of Almodovar, with the support of colleagues Posting of Évora Fiscal Action and Food Safety and Economic Authority (ASAE).
According to a statement from the GNR, action had with the main objective "the suppression of violent crime, or arms trafficking, tax crimes and safeguarded quality, in the transport of foodstuffs, and the prevention of road accidents ".
Military Guard detained two Portuguese citizens, of 31 and 38 year old, the first by car driving without legal authorization and the second by prohibited weapon possession, the caliber gun 6,35 mm, 9 ammunition and a bat, all illegal.
In the operation were monitored 157 drivers and raised 10 administrative offense proceedings in environmental legislation, 36 road legislation, 14 of tax law, 1 the food safety legislation and the seizure of 180 Kg of citrus and a car of foreign registration.
Teixeira Correia