Castro Verde: Young 19 years dies in car screening.
A couple of 19 years died on Monday night, following the screening of the car that drove and where followed alone, near Castro Verde.
For reasons that GNR is to investigate, Claudio Mota, lost control of the vehicle, which was violently hit a eucalyptus, taking is the imprisoned, having been removed lifeless inside the car.
The accident occurred at about 22,36 hours, at km 644, State highway 2, towards south / north, about two kilometers from Castro Verde.
Claudio Mota, returning from Mina Neves-Corvo, located in Santa Barbara Standards, Castro Verde municipality, where he was a professional trainee in the Training Centre Aljustrel Professional IEFP.
The victim moved to Castro Verde to hang out with friends and then heading home, in the same village where is located the mining company.
The young player was senior B team of FC Castrense, Disputing District Championship of the 2nd Division of Beja Football Association.
rescue operations involved sixteen operating the Fire and Immediate Support Car Life (SIV) Castro Verde, the Medical Car Emergency and Resuscitation (VMER) de Beja e a GNR, supported by seven cars.
Claudio Mota's body was transferred to the Medico-Legal Office, located in Beja Hospital, where it should be autopsied today.
Teixeira Correia