Castro Verde: Miners Neves-Corvo against working hours almost 11 hours.

Workers of the concessionaire's Neves-Corvo mine, Alentejo in the municipality of Castro Verde, disputed the claim of the company to implement a concentrated working hours will force the miners to work almost 11 hours per day.

According reveals the online edition of the Journal News (JN), the challenge was demonstrated in a plenary workers held this Wednesday in Somincor facilities, in Castro Verde municipality, no Beja district, to discuss the company's board of claim and was attended by the secretary general of the CGTP-IN, Arménio Carlos.

The management of Somincor wants to implement a concentrated working hours for miners 10 hours and 42 minutes per day for four days a week, He told the Lusa agency Anacleto Jacinto, leader of the Union of Workers of the Mining Industry (STIM).

“Workers do not agree, because they think it is an extremely stressful time for work at the bottom of a mine, already in itself is highly stressful and painful”, said union, after the plenary.

Currently, the Neves-Corvo mine does not operate in continuous working and there are three daily shifts, with every miner working 7 hours and 30 minutes per day for five days per week, in total 37 hours and 30 minutes per week.

The administration of either continuous working, in other words, 24 hours a day seven days a week, and intends to eliminate one of the three daily shifts to spend only be two and 10 hours and 42 minutes each.

This way, each miner will work 10 hours and 42 minutes per day for four days a week, in total 43 hours and 20 minutes weekly.

“Skip the current working hours 7 hours and 30 minutes to 10 hours and 42 minutes implies an increase of 3 hours and 12 minutes per day, which is very deep in a mine”, warned Jacinto Anacleto.

And the miners would work over 40 Hours per week, in other words, specifically 43 hours and 20 minutes, he stressed, stressing that “all working hours that exceed the 37 hours and 30 minutes per week at the bottom of a mine contribute to the increase in work accidents”.

plenary, workers approved a proposal that will present the administration of Somincor also continuous work, but with three daily shifts 7 hours and 30 minutes each.

Segundo Jacinto Anacleto, Workers' representatives will meet with the management of Somincor on Monday, to 10 hours, to present the proposal.

Speaking to Lusa, Arménio Carlos said the work schedule that the administration wants to implement is Somincor “even more painful than the current” and “very difficult to handle”.

The Somincor Miners already have a work schedule “particularly troubling, what, as well as jeopardize their personal and family life, may result in troubling situations from the point of view of health conditions”, Armenian warned Carlos.

Arménio Carlos considered that the alternative schedule proposal approved by workers “It is likely to ensure the maintenance of production at the mine and, simultaneously, It is more compatible with a smaller hardship and personal and family life” miners.

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