Castro Verde: Municipality classifies Route EN2 as a project of Municipal Interest.

The Municipality of Castro Verde approved, at City Hall and Assembly, the classification of the Route of the National 2 as a Project of Municipal Interest.

This decision reinforces and consolidates the continuity of the partnership work that has been developed and strengthens Castro Verde's commitment to all Municipalities that are members of the National Association of Municipalities on the Route of the N2.

The enhancement of the EN2 is a project that promotes undeniable territorial cohesion and identity affirmation of the national territory. crossing 35 municipalities, including Castro Verde, the route has been consolidating itself as one of the best examples of inter-municipal cooperation with regard to its promotion and exploitation as an important tourist product.

This classification meets the objectives of the Municipality of Castro Verde in terms of promoting the municipality, classified as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, via “full use of tourism and respective added value provided by crossing this important road.

On the other hand, the diversification and qualification of the offer, through the creation of more attractive and differentiated tourism products, could be largely influenced by the valuation of the N2 Route as an aggregating project with unequivocal intangible value.

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