Covid-19: Positive cases continue to increase in Vidigueira and Beja.
The municipalities of Vidigueira, more 5 cases, and Beja, more 3 cases, again saw the number of active cases increase, according to data from the Local Health Unit of Baixo Alentejo (ULSBA).
Covid-19: Outbreak with three infected teenagers in Beja home.
Seven positive cases of covid-19 in users and employees of the Manuel Gerardo de Sousa e Castro Foundation, in Beja.
Covid-19: Only municipalities with a higher risk have curfews at Christmas and New Year.
The curfew at 2 hours on the nights of 24, 25 and 31 December only applies to high-risk counties, very high and extreme transmission by the new coronavirus.
Covid-19: At the Beja Football Association “do not kill” but disqualifies.
At the Beja Football Association (AFBeja) the covid-19 pandemic did not cause deaths, but it was the reason for the disqualification and the division of three clubs, Odemirense, Milfontes and Aldenovense Beach, competing for the 1st Division District Championship.
Emergency state: Measures depending on the level of risk. District councils on two levels.
The Government announced this Saturday, two more levels of risk, beyond the high risk level, that includes municipalities with more than 240 cases by 100 thousand inhabitants last 14 days.
Ourique: Positive case of covid-19 date School Center.
A hospital episode, involving a woman and her son residing in Ourique, revealed that she was infected with covid-19 and the infected descendant.