Covid-19: Vidigueira is from the municipalities of Portugal where the situation is most critical.
The municipality of Vidigueira is the third where the situation of the covid-19 is more critical after Mourão and Mora, all alentejo counties, we last 14 days for 100 thousand. On the reverse pole are Barrancos and Arronches with zero cases.
Moura: Covid-19 closes Basic Emergency Service.
Outbreak of covid-19 ends Moura Basic Emergency Service, where there 10 infetados. The building that also houses the Health Center.
Mértola: Three deaths and more 26 infected by covid-19 at Santa Casa's home.
Today the situation at the Santa Casa da Misericórdia home has worsened, there are to register three deaths and 26 new infected by covid-19.
Covid-19: Final de 2020 negro in the municipality of Beja.
The situation in the municipality of Beja continues to be alarming in view of the constant rise in cases of covid-19 in the last days.
Covid-19: Pandemic vaccination started today at Beja Hospital.
Combating covid-19, through vaccination, started symbolically, with three of 180 professionals from Beja Hospital to whom the potion will be administered today in the fight against the pandemic.
Beja: “More” policemen and guards who vaccinate in the hospital.
The disagreement between the PSP and the GNR regarding the escort for the transport of vaccines against covid-19, departing from Évora Hospital to Beja. Upon arrival in Beja the PSP escorted the GNR and the van.