Ourique: Fair Alentejo Pig 2020 it takes-is of 27 a 29 March.
The Municipality of Ourique announces the completion of editing 2020 the Alentejo Pig Fair to 27, 28 and 29 March, in another partnership with the Alentejo Pig Breeders Association.
Conference: "The Late Antiquity in southern Lusitania, the case of Mértola ".
"The Late Antiquity in southern Lusitania, the case of Mértola "is the theme of the conference to be held on the evening of Thursday at the Museum of Sembrano, in Beja, having as guest speaker at the Archaeologist Virgilio Lopes.
Trinity / Beja: Christmas Auto returns to the village on Saturday.
The Trinity Christmas Auto is back. Follow the star and visit on 14, in the village of Trinity, St. Andrew Street. The play will run from 17:30 to 23:00 with an hour break between 20h00 and 21h00.
Mina de São Domingos: Pedro Master operates in Musical building.
Under municipal initiative Month of Music, Master Pedro operates close on Saturday, day 7 of December, 21h30, Musical in the building, na Mina de S. Sundays.
crib: “Garbage do art”, to 6 January in Santana de Cambas (Mértola).
António Costa, Artist Natural Moreanes, presents 1 of the December 6 January, its traditional Christmas crib “I do Trash Art”, in collaboration with the Chamber of Mértola and the Parish Council and Santana People's House Cambas.
Beja: Event "We Can" the Group of Schools No. 1.
Event "We Can", sponsored by the School Group No. 1 Beja, Multipurpose Room in High School Diogo de Gouveia, 29 November – 21 hours.