Beja: Celebrations of the 5th Anniversary Sing Heritage Site.
To celebrate 27 November 2019 five years of Sing classification as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. The date is more than symbolic. The Beja Chamber celebrates the date through project “Beja singing”.
Ourique: Municipality performs film series for Gender Equality.
The Municipality of Ourique is tuned to the challenge of gender equality and the fight against domestic violence, It is a signatory municipalities of the Intermunicipal Plan for Equality.
Exposure: "Beja Republican" -conta the city's history in the sixteen years of the First Republic.
It opened on Friday, by 18:30, the UNESCO Center for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage – Beja exposure "Beja Republican".
Mértola: Month of Music. The issue takes the challenge to explore new rhythms.
From October to December the Month initiative of Music presents at various locations in different county sonorities and an invitation to explore.
Mértola: Fair Game 25 a 27 October.
Mértola gets 25 a 27 October the tenth edition of the Game Fair, an event that continues to promote the hunting potential of the county.
Beja: Cultural Agenda for October.
South heritages, Beja Republican and Carolina Deslandes, are some of the initiatives that take place in October in Beja.