Ourique: Municipality welcomes the enactment of Trade of the Lower Alentejo Libraries.
Of 27 of the September 5 October, the Municipal Library Jorge Sampaio, in Ourique, welcome the Fair Libraries, event taking place since March 2019 and end in December, past the thirteen municipalities of cymbal.
Odemira: Opened Arts and Crafts Center.
It opened in Odemira, the Arts and Crafts Center (CREATE), the winning work of the Participatory Budget. The CREATE is spurred by CACO.Associação Artisans of Odemira Municipality.
Beja: Popular - INATEL in Street, between 12 and 14 of September.
Celebrate music, ethnography, the dance, traditional games and more ... during the 4th edition of the popular - INATEL in Street | Beja.
Moura: “September Fair”, between 12 and 15, in Fair Park.
Of 12 a 15 September is held in the Municipal Park of Fairs and Exhibitions, Moura, traditional “September Fair”.
Beja: Map Beja 360. Features 24 city ​​interest points.
Beja has a new interactive map designated Beja 360. Released for testing in June is now fully available in www.beja360.pt.
Beja: Museum Jorge Vieira opened 1 September in the Castle, the Governor's House.
The Governor's House, located in Beja Castle, receives provisionally, the Museum Jorge Vieira, since the previous physical space of the House of Arts was in quite degraded.