Beja: John Palma, the master in the restoration of old cars.
It has more than two dozen vintage cars, all recovered if. João Guerreiro Palma is named as the "antique car restoration of the master".
Aljustrel: Festicante Festival brings Mexico to “Mining village”.
The Festicante comes earlier this year Aljustrel. In the days 30 and 31 August and 1 of September, the mining village will receive one of the most unique events in the region, organized by the city of Aljustrel, in order to promote sing Alentejo.
Odemira: Tamera community, world's people found paradise in the county.
Germans made the Cerro Mount, in Odemira, the Tamera community, that has 200 people and attracts people of the world. Violence and love livre.O president of the Parish Relics Board, Daniel jellybeans, says came not teach anything, “but remember what the ancients did”.
TV: Hugo Bentes, the film “Rage” and Antonio Zambujo nominated for “Golden Globes”.
Hugo Bentes was nominated for awards “Golden Globes 2019”, the television channel SIC, in the category Cinema: Best Actor. Also the film “Rage”, where serpense plays the lead role is nominated in the category Cinema: Best movie. The singer Antonio Zambujo also appears in the list.
Beja: Fair Land, It has open enrollment. It takes-Se 6 a 8 of September.
Registrations are now open for the Fair Land, organized by the Union of Parishes Beja Salvador and Feira, which is made of 6 a 8 of September.
Heritage: The DGPC launches guide to safeguard the Archaeological Heritage.
The General Directorate of Cultural Heritage (DGPC) concerned about the attacks on the cultural heritage in agricultural operations launched a Procedures Guide.