Beja: Pax Julia Teatro Municipal, receives premiere of RAGE, a Sergio Tréfaut movie.
Pax Julia – Municipal Theater of Beja receives on Tuesday, day 2 October, 21h30, the premiere of RAGE, a Sergio Tréfaut movie.
Beja: 11Anniversary of the Social Center Lidador.
Celebrated on Monday, day 1 October, the 11th Anniversary of Social Lidador Center.
Serpa: Municipality launches digital minutes of Archeology Meetings of Peninsular Southwest.
The Municipality of Serpa will proceed to the launch of the "Minutes of the VIII Meeting of Archeology Peninsular West", on 28 of September, by 18.00 hours, in the multipurpose room of the Municipal Museum of Archeology - Serpa Castle.
Beja: Regional Museum promotes several initiatives during the month of September.
Beja Regional Museum continues to develop its regular activity. Yet, this end of September participates in various relevant initiatives.
Odemira: European Heritage Days dedicated to Memories Share.
"Sharing Memories" is the theme of the scheduled get-together for the day 28 of September, by 16.00 hours, the Church of Mercy of Odemira, within the European Heritage Days 2018.
Beja: ADPMértola promotes workshop "The Art of Living with Creative Business".
The Defense Association of the Mértola Heritage (ADPM) promove o workshop “Art of Living with Creative Business, doubt in three sessions. The first will take place on 28 of September, no IPBeja.