Saved: Rolling carts Racing, no Sunday.
The Party Committee in Honor of Nsª. Mrs.. Conception of-Salvada 2018, promotes on Sunday, day 26 August, the now traditional “Rolling carts Racing”.
Salvada / Quintos: Cultural Week encourages parish from 25 August.
The Sing Alentejo, theater, fado, the light music and traditional Portuguese, passing by the Latin rhythms of rumbas and flamenco and the magic of puppetry promise a week of lots of entertainment in the town of Salvada / Quintos (Beja).
Odemira: 3Th stage of wind and percussion Southwest Alentejo.
Between the days 29 August and 1 of September, the village of Odemira will host the 3rd Stage Wind and Percussion Southwest Alentejo, sponsored by the Philharmonic Band of Odemira, with the support of the Municipality of Odemira.
São Teotónio / Odemira: most hunting and fishing fair in the days desportriva 1 and 2 of September.
The Fair of Greater Hunting & Sport Fishing Odemira Municipality, held in the Fair and Exhibition Center in Sao Teotonio, on days 1 and 2 of September.
Beja: XV edition of Words wanderers, of 23 a 26 August.
Meeting of Apprentices of Count. 15 years of wanderers and still so much to walk. Of 23 a 26 August, all roads lead to Beja, “The cities of Tales”.
Mina de São Domingos / Mértola: Beach with exhibition on the bayou ecosystem.
Under the Blue Flag Program, the Municipality of Mértola promotes in the Albufeira Praia da Tapada Grande, na Mina de S. Sundays, the exhibition "Protect me - to preserve species in this environment".