Mértola: Book Fair 20 a 26 November.
Mértola gets 20 a 26 November another edition of the Book Fair, an event that annually gives to know the county's population bibliographic news and includes an extensive cultural program with several shows.
Odemira: Municipality promotes, of 21 a 27 November, gastronomic honey week and arbutus.
In order to promote the culinary use of honey and arbutus, the municipality of Odemira challenged local restaurants to participate in this gastronomic week. Taste the best dishes and sweet with honey and medronho 21 a 27 November in participating restaurants.
Mértola: Movie “Birds of Souther Portugal” held by the Chamber awarded in tourism festival.
Film "Birds of Southern Portugal" carried out for the Municipality of Mértola award at ART&TUR – International Festival of Tourism Film.
EDIA: "Art in Different Perspective", Youth exposure and adults Paralysis Center.
“Art from a different perspective” artwork of users of the Cerebral Palsy Centre Beja, in edia for the 15th consecutive year.
Ervidel (Aljustrel): Discovering the countryside, wine and culture in Vin&Culture 2016.
During the weekend 26 and 27 November, where one finds the nectar of each pulley, the cellars of the village open their doors to showcase the wine produced in Ervidel.
Beja: Alentejo town receives 11 November, the International Colloquium Europae Thesauri 2017,
Beja hosts, a 11 November, the International Colloquium Europae Thesauri 2017, entitled The Materiality of Immaterial: Glimpses of the spaces and Devotional Objects. Matthias Theodor duo, professor at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt and director of the Limburg Diocese Museum is one of the art experts who will be present in the initiative.