Castro Verde: “Castro Florido 2024” Contest. Registration up until 30 April.
Between 13 May and 15 June 2024, Castro Verde City Council once again focuses on promoting the “Castro Florido 2024” Competition.
(Exclusive) Real Thaw 2024: FAP carries out multinational exercise in BA 11, in Beja.
The Portuguese Air Force (FAP) vai make, Air Base No. 11 (BA11), in Beja, between 22 May and 5 June, the multinational and multidisciplinary exercise “Real Thaw/Hot Blade 2024”(RT/HB24).
Red Cross: Homes will be closed. Fired workers and users without a solution.
The Portuguese Red Cross (CVP) will close the two Residential Structures for the Elderly (ERPI’s) which it owns in the city of Beja, around two and a half dozen workers become unemployed and there are 37 users with no solution in sight.
Beja: D. Fernando Paiva will be ordained bishop on the day 7 July.
The Diocese of Beja announced that D. Fernando Paiva will be ordained bishop on the day 7 July, 17.00, in the diocesan cathedral
Red Cross: National President comes to Beja again to talk to workers.
António Saraiva's meeting with the workers of the Beja Delegation, It is scheduled for 11,00 hours of next Friday and it could be “D-Day” in the future of the institution’s employees.
Beja: Two vehicles set on fire overnight. Crime is suspected.
Two cars were set on fire, during a morning, no historical center of Beja. Everything points to revenge for passionate reasons.