(Last hour) BaleizĂŁo/Beja: Couple sentenced to 22 years in prison, each, for double murder of German septuagenarians.

(Last hour) BaleizĂŁo/Beja: Couple sentenced to 22 years in prison, each, for double murder of German septuagenarians.

Fernando Belmonte, of 54 year old, and Monica Lourenço, the wife of 38 year old, They were sentenced to 22 years in prison for the death and robbery of the German couple, Jan Otto, of 79 years and Ilse Ediltraud, of 71 year old, occurred on 16 April 2023, at Quinta do Paraíso Janedi, in Baleizão, county Beja.

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ULSBA: Primary health care with more responses through the PRR.

ULSBA: Primary health care with more responses through the PRR.

Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) will allow the requalification of six health extensions in the area of ​​influence of the Baixo Alentejo Local Health Unit (ULSBA).

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Alqueva: Dam is 72 centimeters of total filling.

Alqueva: Dam is 72 centimeters of total filling.

The heavy rain that has been felt over the last few days in the Alentejo region, in particular in Extremadura of Spain, they have led to the almost complete filling of the Alqueva reservoir, which presents a percentage of 94,08 % of its total capacity 4150 million cubic meters of water.

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Cycling: 851st Tour of Portugal starts in Beja 24 July.

Cycling: 851st Tour of Portugal starts in Beja 24 July.

For the first time in the history of its 85 issues, the Tour of Portugal by Bike will start in Beja. The test is carried out using 24 July to 4 August 2024.

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Trafficking in Persons: Forty-eight defendants accused of committing a crime of criminal association. Three Portuguese were not pronounced.

Trafficking in Persons: Forty-eight defendants accused of committing a crime of criminal association. Three Portuguese were not pronounced.

The three Portuguese citizens, residents in Beja, employees and managers of agricultural holdings, were not pronounced for trial, having “fallen” all the crimes of the accusation.

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Fire department: Rodeia Machado succeeds Rodeia Machado today as director of AHBVBeja.

Fire department: Rodeia Machado succeeds Rodeia Machado today as director of AHBVBeja.

Rodeia Machado succeeds Rodeia Machado. In the direction of the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Beja (AHBVB). The director has led the institution for 30 year old.

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