Back to Alentejo: Eduard Prades imperial aos 36 year old, won “Alentejana”.
The Catalan runner from Caja Rural/Seguros RGA was raced in Praça do Giraldo as the winner Volta ao Alentejo/CrĂ©dito AgrĂcola, achieving the thirteenth victory, the most important part of his career, which began in 2009 precisely in “Alentejana”.
Beja: Interview of defendants in the very troubled human trafficking case.
The additional interrogation of 13 of 41 Defendants, 26 of whom are in preventive detention, the overwhelming majority Romanians, linked to a process of human trafficking, which took place yesterday in the Noble Hall of the former Civil Government of Beja.
Church: Pope appointed Fernando Paiva as Bishop of Beja.
The new bishop of Beja, Fernando Paiva, appointed by Pope Francis, thanked the pontiff for “the trust” placed in him for his new functions, expressing “entire availability” to serve the faithful of his new diocese.
Beja: Rodeia Machado succeeds Rodeia Machado as director of the fire department.
The candidate list for the direction of the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Beja was released (AHBVB), in which Rodea Machado succeeds 30 years later, Rodia Machado.
Beja: Municipality closes Temporary Night Shelter Center.
The structure was set up with the support of the Municipal Civil Protection and Operational Services Division of the municipality and as it had mentioned at the time, worked for a month, having closed last day 15 March.
Beja: In the trial of the German couple killed in a beating in BaleizĂŁo, woman blames her partner.
“For my part, what I have to say is that I didn’t kill them. I have a clear conscience.”, told the Collective of Judges (CJ) the Court of Beja, Monica Lourenço, the wife of 38 year old, that together with your partner, Fernando Belmonte, of 54 year old, in the first session of the trial in which they face two crimes of murder and one of robbery, all qualified. Turn, the accused, He referred to the silence.