Comendador Rui Nabeiro: Tribute in Campo Maior and masses throughout the country.
Campo Maior will be the center of tributes to Commander Rui Nabeiro. There will be mass in Beja, in the Savior's Church.
Ferreira do Alentejo: Fire drill at the old Hotel das Picanheiras.
Under the auspices of the Baixo Alentejo Sub-Regional Emergency and Civil Protection Command, is taking place in the old Picanheiras Tourist Complex, in Ferreira do Alentejo, in fire drill and search and rescue.
Firefighters/Beja: elections 28 March with single list.
The deadline for submitting lists for the electoral act for the corporate bodies of the Humanitarian Association of Volunteer Firefighters of Beja ended yesterday. (AHBVB), in administrative services, only a list was received.
Beja: Exhibition “MICROPOLITICS: Works from the State Contemporary Art Collection”, which will be evident until 27 July.
The Minister of Culture, accompanied by the Mayors of Beja and the Board of Directors of Museums and Monuments of Portugal, presides tomorrow (Saturday) to 16,30 hours, at the Beja Arts and Archeology Center, to the inauguration of the exhibition that includes works by 28 artists.
Firefighters/Beja: List Rejected in the first electoral act responds to the president of the board.
The candidate list for the first electoral act of the Beja Firefighters, set to reject, will not vote, and ensures that the management intended to include a president and then a treasurer on the list, saying there was a lack of “ethics and morals”.
Beja Museum: Rehabilitation adjudication competition again in court.
Although the works are almost completed, the competition for the rehabilitation of the Regional Museum returned to the Administrative and Fiscal Court (TAF) Beja, with the initiation of a pre-contractual litigation process, value not exceeding 1,1 million.