Telechronics: other genia, benefits of turning off the net and eSports.
Or use from genia – Generative Artificial Intelligence – can condition people's critical thinking, Concludes a study developed by Microsoft and Carnegie Mellon University.
Military leadership in the management of expectations
Keywords: Military leadership, Expectations Management, institutional recognition, Career Development, organizational culture.
Telechronics: chatbot Lia, New data and a study.
The Diário da República has a new artificial intelligence tool (HE), designated ‘lia’, that consults all the legislation in force and gives simple answers to questions.
Greatest post, Greatest responsibility
In military institutions, hierarchy is a fundamental pillar that supports the organization, Discipline and operational efficiency, carrying each post specific responsibilities, waiting to, that is why, that the military perform functions compatible with their patent.
Telechronics: Ue squeezes with AI, Inquiries and Data.
The European Union (EU) made a historical decision on the regulation of artificial intelligence (HE) and all AIs that do not meet certain requirements can be fully prohibited.
The numbers of crime and the feeling of (IN)SECURITY
Who wants to know what the crime registered in Portugal, by all criminal police organs (OPC), You can search on the Justice Statistics Page or the Annual Internal Security Report (Perhaps), However you can also search Google because you are sure to find several news about the crime numbers you are looking for, adjusted to your interests and according to your security perceptions.