Handicraft: José António Cardoso nominated for National Prize.

Handicraft: José António Cardoso nominated for National Prize.

The wire viola builder, José António Cardoso (February, you can visit the Cordophones exhibition at the UNESCO Center), was nominated for the National Crafts Award, in the Entrepreneurship and Innovation category.

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Aljustrel: Parque Mineiro opened to the public on Santa Bárbara Day, patron saint of miners.

Aljustrel: Parque Mineiro opened to the public on Santa Bárbara Day, patron saint of miners.

The new Aljustrel Mining Park, opened this Monday, after an investment of almost six million euros from the city council, which represents a “turning point” in the municipality’s tourist attractiveness.

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MĂ©rtola: Local authority distinguished for the thirteenth time as a family-responsible local authority.

MĂ©rtola: Local authority distinguished for the thirteenth time as a family-responsible local authority.

The Municipality of MĂ©rtola was distinguished for the thirteenth consecutive time as a family responsible municipality, an award given by the Observatory of Family Responsible Local Authorities.

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Ourique: Municipality celebrates the ninth anniversary of Alentejo singing as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Ourique: Municipality celebrates the ninth anniversary of Alentejo singing as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

The event, organized by the Municipality of Ourique, aims to publicize and promote Alentejo singing, value cultural identity and encourage coexistence, the sharing and exchange of experiences between the public and singers.

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Distinction: Grupo Nabeiro are the companies with the best reputation in Portugal. Rui Miguel Nabeiro considered the best leader.

Distinction: Grupo Nabeiro are the companies with the best reputation in Portugal. Rui Miguel Nabeiro considered the best leader.

It is the third consecutive year that the Nabeiro Group obtains first position, recognized by financial analysts, NGOs, unions, journalists and managers.

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Moura: River Fish and Bread Festival returns to “Cidade Salúquia”.

Moura: River Fish and Bread Festival returns to “Cidade Salúquia”.

The Rio Fish and Bread Festival is returning to Moura, on Saturday and Sunday, days 7 and 8 October.

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