Aljustrel: Alentejo Countryside Fair 2021 canceled.

Aljustrel: Alentejo Countryside Fair 2021 canceled.

“Para ser celebrada em segurança em 2022”. A Câmara de Aljustrel decidiu Cancelar a edição deste ano da Feira do Campo Alentejano.

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Beja: Abertura do Centro de Arqueologia e Artes. Custou cerca de 3 million.

Beja: Abertura do Centro de Arqueologia e Artes. Custou cerca de 3 million.

A exposição Cangiante apresentada, of 3 July to 6 November, at the Beja Archeology and Arts Center, assinala a abertura deste novo espaço.

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EMAS / Beja: “Ligada à comunidade” iniciativa de decorreu durante ano letivo.

EMAS / Beja: “Ligada à comunidade” iniciativa de decorreu durante ano letivo.

In the school year 2020/2021 no âmbito da iniciativa “EMAS de Beja ligada à comunidade”, as sessões foram realizadas com recurso às plataformas digitais atendendo ao contexto de pandemia.

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Mértola: Parish Church Municipality and Factory promote interventions in churches.

Mértola: Parish Church Municipality and Factory promote interventions in churches.

Signing of the Collaboration Protocol between the Municipality of Mértola and the Parish Church Factory.

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Beaches: Government published the stocking list.

Beaches: Government published the stocking list.

The Government published in Diário da República, the list of the potential occupation capacity of the beaches for the bathing season 2021.

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Santana da Serra: Municipality of Ourique starts works on the cemetery.

Santana da Serra: Municipality of Ourique starts works on the cemetery.

The Municipality of Ourique announced the beginning of the work to expand the Santana da Serra cemetery.

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