Moura: Ex-Grémio building requalification completed.
The contract for the requalification of the building classified “Ex-Grémio da Lavoura” is concluded - Centro Documental da Oliveira.
Beja: Warehouses and silos on the list of unused real estate.
Within the scope of the decentralization of competences for local authorities and for inter-municipal entities, the list of unused public real estate assets was published.
MĂ©rtola: New Traffic Regulation in force in the Historic Center.
The new traffic regulations of the Historic Center of MĂ©rtola have already entered into force, whose main objective is to protect the historic area from excessive movement of motor vehicles.
Casa do Alentejo (Lisbon): Parliament recommends saving the institution.
Published in Diário da República, the Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic no. 27/2021 recommends the Government to endeavor to save Casa do Alentejo.
MĂ©rtola: Design for Sustainability, project presentation.
Following the collaboration protocol between the Municipality of MĂ©rtola and the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, the presentation of the works of the students of the Master's Course in Design for Sustainability took place, whose central theme was the territory of MĂ©rtola.
EMAS / Beja: Company published the third area of ​​the Activity Balance.
EMAS is publishing the Activity Report 2018/ 2020 in five thematic areas that you consider fundamental that you are presenting weekly, now the third area “EMAS is all of us” has been published.