Serpa: Exposure “Anne Frank – a story for today”, the Municipal Library.
The exhibition Anne Frank – a story for today, It will be reflected in Serpa, the Municipal Library José Correia da Serra, of 18 from January to 29 Feb..
Distinction: Government attaches Medal of Cultural Merit to archaeologist Cláudio Torres.
The Government has decided to award the Medal of Cultural Merit to archaeologist Cláudio Torres, in recognition of “a dedicated life” the historical research and the causes of cultural heritage and archeology peninsular. The medal is delivered Saturday in Mértola.
Beja: Celebrate Epiphany with giant cake-king.
This Monday, Beja celebrates the day of kings with the largest cake-king's Alentejo.
Moura and Vidigueira: celebration “Sing of Kings”.
Vidigueira, Moura and Santo Amador receive on Sunday night, 5 January, Traditional “Sing of Kings”. Vidigueira In the event takes place between Largo Cascade and Republic Square, next to City Hall.
Beja: Assault on the barracks was there 58 year old. "Intentona of Beja", the 25 April postponed.
it was there 58 year old, at night 31 December 1961 to 1 January 1962, that two dozen men between military and civilian, undertaken with courage and determination, an attempted coup, aimed at the overthrow of the fascist regime controlled by António Oliveira Salazar, what became known as the "Conspiracy of Beja".
Beja: Christmas Market, in the Garden of Cod and Cap.João Street Francisco de Sousa.
Beja more receives a Christmas market in the heart of the city, from Friday until Sunday.