V.N.S.Bento: Fados Night raises funds for the Feasts of the Holy Crosses.

V.N.S.Bento: Fados Night raises funds for the Feasts of the Holy Crosses.

Aiming to raise funds for the Festival of the Holy Crosses 2020, the Party Committee promotes on Saturday night one night of Fados.

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Castro Verde: After four months of work, Real Basilica reopens Sunday.

Castro Verde: After four months of work, Real Basilica reopens Sunday.

After 4 months of rehabilitation, Royal Basilica of Castro Verde reopens to worship.

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Delta: Company Nabeiro Group launches “Imperial Coffee” and enters in the health sector.

Delta: Company Nabeiro Group launches “Imperial Coffee” and enters in the health sector.

Delta Cafes Group will launch a new coffee drink cool under pressure, which dubs “Imperial Coffee”, as well as two new varieties of coffee capsules with vitamins and minerals, and will be sold in pharmacies and drug stores.

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Beja: Diogo Santos, "The master of malacuecos and fritters".

Beja: Diogo Santos, "The master of malacuecos and fritters".

Lies in Beja, but he was born in Elvas. Started selling toys, but it is the “get their hands dirty” which is a true master. At Christmas Diogo Santos makes his villa and the "The Santa's House", a work of art about 500 Figures.

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Beja: International Congress Sister Mariana Alcoforado until Sunday.

Beja: International Congress Sister Mariana Alcoforado until Sunday.

Mariana Congress – First International Congress on Soror Mariana Alcoforado in Beja 15 a 17 November.

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Moura: Festival of Rio do Peixe and bread held this week-end.

Moura: Festival of Rio do Peixe and bread held this week-end.

Moura receives tomorrow and Sunday (days 19 and 20 October) the fifth edition of the Festival of Rio do Peixe and bread.

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