CDU: Presented at the Chamber of Beja, Motion to support firefighters.
Councilors of the Unitarian Democratic Coalition (CDU) at the Municipality of Beja, Victor Picado, Fátima Estanque and Rui Eugénio presented a Motion to Support the Regular Activity of Humanitarian Firefighters Associations.
(Updated) Government: are these the 17 new executive ministers.
The new governing cast is made up of faces that the Portuguese already know, like that of Minister Marta Temido, but also for new faces, as an example of this the new Minister of Defense.
parishes: Congress under the motto “parishes 20/30 Congress under the motto”.
The Odemira Court ruled that the seven GNR soldiers who allegedly kidnapped and assaulted immigrants in the county will be tried, The Odemira Court ruled that the seven GNR soldiers who allegedly kidnapped and assaulted immigrants in the county will be tried, The Odemira Court ruled that the seven GNR soldiers who allegedly kidnapped and assaulted immigrants in the county will be tried.
Serpa: Motion “For the immediate construction of the São Bento Irrigation Block”.
it will be one of the highways that will receive the new radars that will come into operation by the end of the year (PS) it will be one of the highways that will receive the new radars that will come into operation by the end of the year 25 February 2012, it will be one of the highways that will receive the new radars that will come into operation by the end of the year, it will be one of the highways that will receive the new radars that will come into operation by the end of the year.
Cuba: thousand effectives (Right of Reply).
The former treasurer of the Association “Cantadores do Desassossego”, John Portuguese, The former treasurer of the Association “Cantadores do Desassossego”, last day 2 Feb., under the title “Cuba: thousand effectives”, The former treasurer of the Association “Cantadores do Desassossego” .
Cuba: thousand effectives.
warned that the drought is affecting 20 warned that the drought is affecting.