PSD / Beja: President of the District and JSD on “collision course†in electoral support.
A “shotgun count” in the internal elections of the PSD, opened the first cleavages in Beja. JSD supports Rui Rio, the president of the district, Gonçalo Valente, individually, expressed support for Paulo Rangel.
Canyons: Parish Council elected at the third meeting.
Barrancos Parish Council established, but with unforeseen result for the Board of the Parish Assembly.
Beja: Rui Marreiros appointed vice president of the Chamber.
The distribution of responsibilities was made and the vice president of the Executive of the Municipality of Beja was appointed.
Canyons: Parish Council without an approved Executive.
The Barrancos Parish Assembly, gathered last night, refused for the second time, in four votes, the list with the two members presented by the president of the board, Pica Idalia (CDU). PS Coalition + PSD/CDS block election.
Ourique: City Council with new distribution of areas.
Following the elections for local authorities in 26 September 2021, the Municipality of Ourique has a new distribution of responsibilities among Councilors.
Beja: Elect PS react to the situation of the Parish Union of Beja (Salvador and Feira).
Those elected from the Socialist Party in the Parish Assembly of the União de Freguesias de Beja (Salvador and Feira) issued a statement on the postponement of the election of the Executive.