Beja: CDS protection questions about lack of obstetrician at Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes.

Beja: CDS protection questions about lack of obstetrician at Hospital José Joaquim Fernandes.

CDS-PP deputies want the Minister confirm that at least 12 hours, between 08h00 and 20h00 Day 6 January pp, He was not cast any specialist in obstetrics.

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CDS / PP: denunciation campaign “Portugal is trapped by wires”, on the country roads.

CDS / PP: denunciation campaign “Portugal is trapped by wires”, on the country roads.

It CDS / PP, It has the street to 31 December campaign “Portugal is trapped by wires”, you want to mark the roads at risk. In the District were marked to EN259 / IP8 (Fig Knights) and EN 386 (Canyons).

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Odemira: Participatory Budget 2018. Presentation winning proposals.

Odemira: Participatory Budget 2018. Presentation winning proposals.

Will be presented today the winning proposals of the Participatory Budget (ON) the Municipality of Odemira 2018, a ceremony to be held in the Grand Hall of the Town Hall, open to the entire population.

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OE 2019: With impacts in the region. Pensions, Hospital de Beja and Beja-line White House.

OE 2019: With impacts in the region. Pensions, Hospital de Beja and Beja-line White House.

Approved proposals in OE 2019: Access regime for pensions of workers of lavarias ore and quarries equated to the mines inside the workers, proposal for early expansion procedures of the Hospital de Beja and the electrification of the railway line between the White House and Beja.

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Beja: Chamber Executive meeting will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday.

Beja: Chamber Executive meeting will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday.

The Municipal Executive, the Beja municipality will gather at the annual meeting to be held on Wednesday, by 15.00 hours, in the Main Hall of the City Hall building.

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(Updated) Government: Costa changing defense ministers, Economy, Health and Culture.

(Updated) Government: Costa changing defense ministers, Economy, Health and Culture.

The prime minister made the biggest reshuffle in the Government, involving four ministries. First replacement was announced, in Defense, Azeredo Lopes João Gomes Cravinho, and, after, in Economics, Manuel Caldeira Cabral by Pedro Siza Vieira.

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