Local: CDS-PP candidate former congressman Ismael Pimentel to the House of Alvito.
Former member of the CDS-PP Ismael Pimentel is the party's candidate for president of the Chamber of Alvito, no Beja district, managed by the CDU, in local elections this year.
Local: Only three applications delivered district of Beja.
In the various judgments of the Beja District Court, only three lists were delivered to the municipal of 1 October, one for a chamber and two parish councils. The lists of delivery time end on 7 August.
Cuba: CDS / PP announces candidate for council.
The Policy Commission Concelhia CDS-PP / Cuba, Peter announced that January will be the party's candidate to the House that village, in the forthcoming local elections to be held the next day 1 October.
Beja: PSD today introduces candidates to the House and the Municipal Assembly.
The PSD opens this afternoon to campaign headquarters to local 2017, presenting the application from the list of heads “Beja Seriously” the House and the Municipal Assembly of Beja.
Ourique: Socialist Party has candidates municipal.
The Socialist Party today presents its representatives and heads the list of the municipal bodies and parish of the county Ourique. Marcelo Guerreiro, current president, It is the presidential candidate of the City Council.
Ferreira do Alentejo: Paul CDU candidate for president of Conde authority.
The Democratic Coalition Unit (CDU) will present Paulo Conde to the presidency of the Chamber of Ferreira do Alentejo.