Local: PSD says it has a third of the candidates already approved. None in the district.

Local: PSD says it has a third of the candidates already approved. None in the district.

The Social Democratic Party, reveals in its online page that has already about one third of applications to authorized municipal elections.

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Ourique: candidate Pedro do Carmo the president of the Municipal Assembly.

Ourique: candidate Pedro do Carmo the president of the Municipal Assembly.

Pedro do Carmo is the candidate of the Socialist Party to the Municipal Assembly of Ourique. After 10 years as mayor, the deputy in the National Assembly, takes the challenge in “favor of Ourique and ouriquenses”.

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Beja: PSD and CDS do according to local coalitions in the District.

Beja: PSD and CDS do according to local coalitions in the District.

PSD e CDS, They agreed to form joint lists in Beja district, in view of the local elections in October 2017. According PSD / Independent, in Almodôvar, under discussion. Candidate Beja, published before 31 March.

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Beja: Greens lead cartoons schools on Constitution.

Beja: Greens lead cartoons schools on Constitution.

40 years of the Portuguese Constitution, Greens take Cartoons schools, Beja and Faro, to publicize the Constitution.

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Assembly of the Republic: access rates applied to road infrastructure.

Assembly of the Republic: access rates applied to road infrastructure.

Members of the PS, elected in the districts of Beja and Évora, Pedro Carmo and Norberto Duckling, received garantis concierge suspension 357/2015 and the collection of fees by the Road Infrastructure, EP.

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Minimum wage: Agreement allows up to 557 euros in January.

Minimum wage: Agreement allows up to 557 euros in January.

The National Minimum Wage (SMN) up to 557 euros as from January. The agreement on social dialogue includes a discount 1,25 percentage points in the Single Social Tax.

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