MĂ©rtola: Parish Council promotes get-together “Art as therapy”.
A “Art as therapy” is the theme of the get-together organized by the Parish Council of MĂ©rtola, in the presence of Bishop Beja.
MĂ©rtola: Flavors of the Islamic Festival on Saturday.
cooking workshop teaches flavors of the Islamic Festival MĂ©rtola.
Social Security: Institution alert to scams by bogus tax.
The Social Security Institute issued an alert on fraud and fraud committed by individuals who pose as employees of the Social Security.
Moura: City Council rejected the Government's skills transfer.
In the last regular meeting of the Municipality of Moura, it was decided unanimously not to accept responsibilities for the year 2019. The proposal will be voted on in the Assembly Hall.
Delta Cafés: Company Nabeiro Group enters the market of cereal bars.
A Croffee, a healthy cereal bar, satiating and stimulating, It is the new bet of Delta Cafes.
Beja: “Festival B” in 2019 dedicated to Mariana Alcoforado.
In 2019 Beja is the town of Mariana Alcoforado. National city of love. O “Festival B”, highlight of the cultural calendar of the city.