Beja: Volunteer firefighters promote “DANCE SOLIDARITY” on the evening of day 4 November.

Beja: Volunteer firefighters promote “DANCE SOLIDARITY” on the evening of day 4 November.

Aimed at raising funds and new members and recruitment of new operating / volunteers, Firefighters Beja Volunteers, promote the evening of 4 November, a “DANCE SOLIDARITY”.

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EMAS: Solidarity launches campaign “ALL FOR ALL”. HELP victims forest fires.

EMAS: Solidarity launches campaign “ALL FOR ALL”. HELP victims forest fires.

SOLIDARITY CAMPAIGN "ALL FOR ALL". Forest fires have returned to plague the country. Portugal and the Portuguese returned to suffer from this terrible tragedy that took place last weekend.

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Solidarity: Journalist travels EN2, Keys to Faro, to spread disease.

Solidarity: Journalist travels EN2, Keys to Faro, to spread disease.

Marco Soares Pereira, TVI journalist, Faro delegation, will go through the entire national road 2 to publicize a little-known disease, but that affects 10% Women of childbearing age.

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Local: elections 1 October. Lists and polling places in Beja county.

Local: elections 1 October. Lists and polling places in Beja county.

No Sunday, day 1 October, the country is called to the polls to choose Autarchic Organs for the next 4 year old. There 738 candidates for posts in the Town Hall, Assembly Hall and Parish Assemblies of Beja county.

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Odemira: Municipality opened tourist office in Almograve.

Odemira: Municipality opened tourist office in Almograve.

Has opened to the public the Tourist Office of Almograve, in order to provide better service to the tourist service and enhance the tourism offer of Longueira / Almograve parish, in Odemira coastline.

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EMAS: company promotes “Operating summer”, leisure activities in Beja county.

EMAS: company promotes “Operating summer”, leisure activities in Beja county.

"Operation Summer" is the name of the initiative that will be promoted for free by EMAS - Empresa Municipal Water and Sanitation Beja, during the month of August 2017.

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