Beja / Moura: PSP arrested a man and identified three others and seized 97 doses of hashish.
The PSP detained an individual's 37 years on suspicion of drug trafficking, and identified three on suspicion of consumption of narcotic drugs and seized 97 doses of hashish.
Beja: No 1st quarter 2019 GNR arrested three people for domestic violence.
Between 1 January and 31 March 2019 GNR arrested in the district of Beja, three people for domestic violence and two for sexual solicitation of minors. 85 of 186 leading conductors under the influence of alcohol, They were arrested.
Beja / Moura: District of PSP command detained individual for domestic violence.
In the context of criminal proceedings of domestic violence, PSP stopped, by way of an arrest warrant, a man of 50 year old.
Moura: Firefighters receive the authority equipment.
Moura Chamber handed 16 personal protective equipment to Moura Firefighters.
Beja / Moura: Command of the PSP reveals summary of last week's activity in February.
The Command of the PSP arrested two men for driving under influence of alcohol, one with a BAC 1,41 and one with 1,61 g/l.
Beja: Command of the PSP announced two arrests for domestic violence.
The District Command Beja PSP (CD Beja) revealed the arrest of two individuals for domestic violence. the man 30 years was in custody.