Vidigueira: “Terror de Pedrogão” condemned to 7 years in prison for thefts.
With a long criminal record, where he has already been sentenced to a total of 19 years in prison, at trial the defendant did not contest the charge or show any regrets about the crimes committed.
BA 11: Minister of Defense presides over the farewell ceremony of the FND Sea Guardian 2023.
The Minister of National Defense, Helena Carreiras, will be present at the farewell of the Detached National Force for the NATO mission 'Sea Guardian 2023'. The ceremony takes place today at 11:00 am, Air Base No. 11, in Beja.
Odemira: GNR Operation Castor results in 103 contraordenação cars.
The Territorial Command Beja (CTBeja), with the support of ACT, ASAE, SEF e SS, Operation Castor with particular incidence in the locality of São Teotónio, county of Odemira.
Moura: Two arrested for trafficking with more than 1.000 doses of narcotics.
The Territorial Command Beja, through the Criminal Investigation Nucleus (NIC) Moura, arrested on Wednesday, a man and a woman from 40 and 44 year old, for drug trafficking, in the municipality of Moura.
PSP: seven people arrested, 5 for theft inside.
In addition to the five arrests, the PSP also complied with 2 arrest warrants and bringing defendants to court, one to the city of Lisbon and another to Rio Maior.
PSP: Detained in Beja and Moura, four dealers. Two were held in custody.
A woman already with a record for drug trafficking and who was on parole, was arrested in Beja and was held in custody.