Ourique: IV Luso-Spanish Congress of Extensive Livestock.
The 5th Luso-Spanish Congress of Extensive Livestock Farming has the presence of the Minister of Agriculture in Ourique this week.
Odemira: Participatory budget 25 proposals to vote.
Resident citizens, workers or students in the municipality of Odemira can now vote on proposals presented for public investments within the scope of the Participatory Budget process (ON) Municipal and Parishes.
Health: Municipalities received by the ULSBA Board of Directors.
The presidents of the Chambers of Castro Verde, Aljustrel, Almodovar, Mértola and Ourique, are received this Tuesday morning, by the ULSBA Board of Directors, to discuss the situation of the Basic Emergency Service (SUB) Castro Verde.
Castro Verde: Municipality announces the winning proposals of OP2025.
The voting phase of the Castro Verde Participatory Budget is over, the winning proposals that will be included in the Municipal Budget for 2025.
Hi Fly: Successfully completed, com Airbus A340, the 1st flight of the season in Antarctica.
The Portuguese airline Hi Fly, Specializing in aircraft charters and rentals, returned to Antarctica for the fourth consecutive year.
U.F. Salvador and Santa Maria: parish news.
Elected members of the Parish Union were present on the visit to the facilities of the BuganvÃlia Temporary Reception Center.