Beja: Judged to have been caught with about 1,2 tons of cannabis.
Caught on the Highway 2 (A2) in an operation by the GNR Operational Support Center in Lisbon with almost 1,2 tons of cannabis, an individual, of 52 year old, residing in Lisbon, is being tried in the Court of Beja accused of the crime of aggravated drug trafficking.
Beja: Indian citizen judged for vandalizing and stealing property from fire station.
Two Indian nationals, who are in custody, and a Spaniard by birth, but son of Portuguese and resident in Beja, were accused by the Public Prosecutor's Office of this city with four crimes of qualified theft in the completed form and four in the attempted form.
Crcdria: Regional Services of Baixo Alentejo are installed in the Municipal Market.
The Alentejo Regional Coordination and Development Commission, I.P. (CCDR Alentejo, I.P.) will inaugurate its new facilities for Baixo Alentejo Regional Services, in Beja, the next day 24 May, 11.00am.
U.F.Salvador and Santa Maria da Feira: parish news.
The President of the Board was present at the Shave E9G Consortium Meeting, which had as its main point the report on activities carried out between February and May 2024.
Vidigueira: Young 18 years sentenced to 6 years in prison for domestic violence.
A youngster, of 18 year old, resident in Vidigueira and preventively detained at the Leiria Prison since 10 July 2023, was sentenced, in legal height, a 6 years in prison for committing four crimes, one of which was domestic violence perpetrated against his then girlfriend.
IPBeja: Organizes the National University Outdoor Track Championship, in Beja.
Framed in the activity plan of the Sports Activity Support Office (GAD) of IPBeja Social Action Services and within the scope of the Healthy Campus project, IPBeja applied to organize university sporting events in the academic year 2023/24.