Beja: Portuguese couple accused of murder and robbery of Germans in BaleizĂŁo.
The Public Ministry (MP) de Beja accused a man and a woman of murder and robbery, both qualified, on suspicion of killing a woman of German nationality, in BaleizĂŁo, county Beja, in 16 April 2023.
“Refer Building”: Blocking cost 6.000 euros to the Red Cross.
“It’s another nail in the coffin”, This is how a source from the Portuguese Red Cross described it (CVP) plus this expense that aggravates, the “very complicated” financial situation of the Beja Delegation.
Moura: Court of Appeal maintains prison sentence of 4 years and 6 months anarcho trafficker.
He hid hashish in his younger children's clothes. He was sentenced to 4 years in prison. In a decision taken last day 5 March, the judges considered the defendant's appeal, who will remain in prison, to be unfounded..
Beja: Tried for domestic violence and attempted murder of ex-partner.
The Public Ministry (MP) de Beja accused a man of 48 year old, of domestic violence crimes, in the consummated form and qualified homicide, the attempted form, committed against his ex-partner, with whom he had two children, a girl of 24 years and a boy of 18 year old.
Almodovar: Relationship confirms conviction of couple sentenced to six years in prison each, for drug trafficking.
The Court of Évora Relationship (THREE) maintained the sentence of six years in prison for each member of a couple, applied in 6 December last year by a Collective of Judges from the Court of Beja, for the co-authorship of a drug trafficking crime.
IPBeja: 11st Phase of Applications for Student Academic Mobility 2024/25.
It's ongoing until the next day 14 March, the 1st Phase of Applications for Student Academic Mobility at IPBeja.