Neves / Beja: Court keeps Pakistani man in jail for attempted murder.
Court of Appeal rejects appeal from Pakistani citizen convicted of attempted murder which occurred in August last year on a hill in the parish of Nossa Senhora das Neves, county Beja.
Student transportation: Thirty-three municipalities without secondary education receive support.
Thirty-three municipalities in the Interior without secondary education will receive additional funding from the State to support the movement and accommodation of students to other municipalities with this level of education.
Agriculture: 2024 starts without DRAP’s and with the announced death of Agrogarante.
The new year is coming. It's the day 1 January 2024 will soon be marked as the day of extinction of the Regional Directorates of Agriculture and Fisheries (MURDER). A decision by António Costa's government that was highly contested by most farmers' associations.
Health: Beja Hospital and Castro Verde Health Centers, Moura and Odemira without constraints.
Emergency Services at Beja Hospital and Castro Verde Health Centers, Moura and Odemira work fully between 24 and 31 of December.
Mértola: Local Integrated Action Plans for Water Circularity and Sustainable Construction Approved.
The Municipal Assembly approved the Local Integrated Action Plans for Water Circularity and Sustainable Construction.
Odemira: ACT inspected service providers in action.
The Authority for Working Conditions (ACT) carried out an inspection on a large agricultural holding, in Odemira (Beja), having referenced nine service providers and identified 86 workers of various nationalities.