CIMB: Intermunicipal Assembly approves budget for 2024.

CIMB: Intermunicipal Assembly approves budget for 2024.

The second ordinary meeting of the Intermunicipal Assembly approved, with just two abstentions, CIMBAL's budget for 2024, exceeding eight million and six hundred thousand euros.

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Odemira: municipality assigns 480 thousand euros in support for sport.

Odemira: municipality assigns 480 thousand euros in support for sport.

The Municipality of Odemira approved the allocation of a global amount of 480.000,00 euros a 27 county clubs and associations, to be granted for the sports season 2023/2024.

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Beja:  Baixo Alentejo Social Innovation Incubator celebrates 5 year old.

Beja: Baixo Alentejo Social Innovation Incubator celebrates 5 year old.

The Baixo Alentejo Social Innovation Incubator (ISBA) marked five years of dedication to promoting social development in the Region.

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Moura: He hid hashish in his younger children

Moura: He hid hashish in his younger children's clothes. He was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

An individual 29 year old, resident in Moura, recidivist non-drug trafficking, On the day of his arrest, he hid two pieces of hashish in a drawer in his bedroom dresser and concealed in his younger children's clothes., was sentenced to an effective prison sentence of 4 years and 6 months.

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Campaign: “Plantar 1000 holm oaks in the municipality of Mértola”.

Campaign: “Plantar 1000 holm oaks in the municipality of Mértola”.

The holm oak (Quercus rotundifolia) It is one of the main trees in the Mediterranean. The Municipality of Mértola, the EBM-Biological Station of Mértola and the BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, launch the challenge of “Planting 1000 holm oaks in the municipality of Mértola”.

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IPBeja:  Students share academic experience through a series of PodCasts.

IPBeja: Students share academic experience through a series of PodCasts.

Within the scope of the integrated communication strategy, IPBeja carried out, in the last days, a series of interviews with students who are part of each of the CTeSP course committees, of Bachelor's degrees, postgraduate and master's degrees.

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