Beja: Colonel Santos Leal is the new Commander of Infantry Regiment No. 1.

Beja: Colonel Santos Leal is the new Commander of Infantry Regiment No. 1.

It took place on Thursday, as Lidador Notícias revealed, in Infantry Regiment No. 1 (RI1), the Inauguration Ceremony of the new Commander, Infantry Colonel José Manuel de Almeida Santos Leal.

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Aljustrel: Relationship refuses to release ex-wife

Aljustrel: Relationship refuses to release ex-wife's attacker and her partner.

He broke down the door of the house and attacked his ex-wife and her partner in front of her minor children and wants the TRE to release him from the preventive detention to which he is subject. The Public Ministry of Ourique is against it because it fears that the attacker could kill the victim.

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Alvito: Christmas Summer Camp.

Alvito: Christmas Summer Camp.

The Christmas Summer Camp in Alvito, returns the week before Christmas for a five-day edition.

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Ourique: City Assembly approved budget of about 18,5 million.

Ourique: City Assembly approved budget of about 18,5 million.

With the votes of the Socialist Party, the votes against by the Social Democratic Party and the abstention of the CDU, the Municipal Assembly of Ourique approved in a meeting the Budget proposal for 2024.

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Odemira: Municipality with 63,1 million euros of budget for 2024.

Odemira: Municipality with 63,1 million euros of budget for 2024.

The Odemira City Council approved the Budget for 2024 not value of €63,100,000.00, foreseeing a key year for the implementation of the perspectives and priorities that were considered for the current mandate.

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Ferreira do Alentejo: ASAE intercepts illegal distributor of gaming machines.

Ferreira do Alentejo: ASAE intercepts illegal distributor of gaming machines.

The Food and Economic Safety Authority (ASAE) announced this Wednesday that it intercepted an illegal distributor of gaming machines and seized material with an estimated value of 11 thousand euros, in Ferreira do Alentejo county.

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