Ferreira do Alentejo: Drug dealer throws drugs onto roof. He was arrested and placed in preventive custody..

Ferreira do Alentejo: Drug dealer throws drugs onto roof. He was arrested and placed in preventive custody..

A man of 37 year old, resident in Ferreira do Alentejo, was detained by military personnel from the Intervention Detachment (OF) do Comando Territorial de Beja da GNR, despite having thrown a package of cocaine onto the roof of a house.

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Caritas of Beja: Approval of application “CUID@R + Project” Beja.

Caritas of Beja: Approval of application “CUID@R + Project” Beja.

Cáritas Diocesana de Beja was one of the national entities that saw the approval of the application it designed and submitted to this Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation program. (FCG) with the CUID@r project +.

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Moura: Two arrested for olive theft.

Moura: Two arrested for olive theft.

Olive thefts in the Beja district continue to increase. The receipt of stolen olives is one of the serious problems of the circuit.

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Odemira: Man in pre-trial detention tried for domestic violence.

Odemira: Man in pre-trial detention tried for domestic violence.

Tried for threatening to kill his ex-wife and persecuting her and her partner. The individual had already been convicted of domestic violence.

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Beja: Prisoner sentenced to 6 years in prison for receiving drugs thrown from outside the prison.

Beja: Prisoner sentenced to 6 years in prison for receiving drugs thrown from outside the prison.

An inmate at the Beja Prison EPBeja), was sentenced on Thursday to 6 years in prison for an aggravated drug trafficking crime.

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Beja: Municipality opened applications for “Study Scholarships” for the academic year of 2023/24.

Beja: Municipality opened applications for “Study Scholarships” for the academic year of 2023/24.

The Municipality of Beja, proceeded to open, between 1 and 15 November, of applications for the award of Scholarships to young people from needy or large families.

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